The world cellular fleet aged 20+ years currently counts around 1,200 vessels for a total capacity of about 2.9 Mteu. In number of vessels, it represents just over 20% of all cellular ships with around 680 vessels in carriers’ hands and just over 500 in owners’ hands. This is a significant reservoir of ships that could be tapped into for scrapping, as one way of mitigating the growing overcapacity in the industry. In terms of transport capacity it only accounts for 10.5% of the world fleet which currently aggregates 27.6 Mteu.
This suggests that most of these older ships are relatively small by today’s standards, only 314 vessels having capacities of 3,000 teu & above, while 886 vessels have capacities below 3,000 teu.
Only a few of these ships have been adapted to decarbonization with less than 100 vessels fitted with exhaust gas-scrubbers, based on Alphaliner data.
Source: Alphaliner