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The global shipping industry faces immense challenges in its transition toward net-zero. Decarbonisation of shipping requires not only technological innovation but also significant financial investment, with annual costs estimated at up to USD 28 billion for vessel operations alone by 2050. However, the financial landscape remains fragmented and complex, creating significant barriers for shipowners, particularly smaller players and those in […]
Green shipping corridors face significant commercial challenges. In the absence of regulation or direct support from governments, the private sector currently lacks either the ability or appetite to bridge the cost gap. However, this is changing. The EU’s ‘Fitfor55’ package and IMO’s upcoming mid-term measures will mandate and incentivise shipping’s energy transition. Government funding for low emission fuel projects has […]
Concern about the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) advancing in the construction, operation, and even ownership of ports is nothing new. What has changed is the geopolitical and economic contexts. The United States has shaken its post-Cold War stupor. Policymakers are no longer asleep at the switch as strategic rivals set down roots in our shared neighborhood. And the United […]
Shell’s LNG Outlook 2025 predicted a surge in demand driven by containerships. The energy giant’s latest demand forecast from the shipping sector is 60% higher than the one it made in 2023. The majority of that demand will be driven by containerships, the outlook said. The box sector will account for some 60% of that demand, with tankers and ro-ro/ferries […]
This study shows that the EU regulation on ship recycling has contributed to all its stated objectives, but that its effectiveness is hampered by significant challenges, such as circumvention of the obligation to recycle end-of-life vessels in EU-listed yards because of the re-flagging of vessels, as well as, to a lesser extent, the insufficient compliance with the requirements for the Inventories […]
Canadian ports are among the first points of contact for international trade. Over the past couple of years, however, they have faced a series of labour tensions, with unionized workers often opposing modernization and automation efforts. Protests and labour disputes have taken place at both ends of the country, notably in Montreal, Vancouver, and Halifax. Workers in Montreal and Vancouver […]
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