With commercially idle tonnage representing less than 200,000 teu, it seems neither the Chinese New Year break, nor the January ceasefire deal in the Red Sea have had an immediate impact on the amount of commercially operated vessels.
Overall, the past two weeks saw the total number of idle ships rise by a net 6 units to 71 vessels. However, by capacity, the increase represented a negligible 5,228 teu. The idle fleet has comprised less than 1% of the total container fleet for more than a year now.
More activity was seen in the ship repair market, with 170 vessels totaling 731,872 teu detected in yard undergoing maintenance, repair, or works.
This represents the highest level in three and a half months, with many carriers taking advantage of the slower Chinese new year period to park their ships.
Alphaliner’s AXSInsights allows you to monitor all vessels either in active service, or commercially idle and in shipyards or repair docks.
Source: Alphaliner